DoctorNet India

Vision: Health for all.
Mission: Make healthcare accessible to the disadvantaged.
Core values: Empathy, integrity and equity.

Why DoctorNet?



Where are the patients from?

Is curative healthcare guidance the main focus?

Various dimensions of our work listed below.

What's the impact?

Curative health guidance
2400+ patients have been guided till June 2024 across Tamil nadu and few places in Kerala.  Many were provided guidance for hospitalized treatment for serious illness. Of them, 80 percent are from rural areas. 8% are from tribal areas and 12% from urban region.
Our strength is in providing the required emotional strength throughout the treatment phase.

School health education in few Government schools, Coimbatore

Patient support groups

Three patient support groups (renal, cancer, disabled) for mutual emotional support and livelihood guidance. Led by people who have recovered from their respective illness.

Community health

Intervention in a marginalized community of few hundred disadvantaged households in Coimbatore - to enable them to understand, prioritize and address community health needs

Collaboration with the government systems

Providing emotional support to high risk pregnant women - referred by 89 PHCs in Coimbatore district.


Second wave: Guided 150+ COVID patients by tele-consulting and followup in 400+ villages across Tamil nadu through AID India; Helped with early identification of COVID and provided guidance/emotional support during home isolation.

First wave: Provided free tele-counseling helpline service for the people to cope with pandemic related anxiety/stress/fear. 24 professional psychologists counseled 400 distress callers from small towns and villages across Tamil nadu.

Updated on June 2024

Would you like to collaborate with us?

Please email  / or call 94426 39490